What is SuperRoots?


Maximize Seed Germination and Root Growth

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SuperRootsTurf is a liquid combination of predictable release macro/micronutrients, fulvic acid-carbon amendment with plant-sourced microbes* (our SoilSeeds product), and endo-mycorrhizae* for on-the-seed application at seeding or at aeration and over-seeding of greens, tees and ornamental grasses.

The benefits…

SuperRootsTurf is specially designed for grasses at seeding. Years of scientific research by the mycorrhizae manufacturer and Plant Essentials’ field experience have shown SuperRootsTurf will hasten the early establishment of grasses with 4 species of endo-mycorrhizae at the manufacturers' recommended rate of 90,000 propagules per acre, along with the other ingredients will jump-start germination and support healthy growth through the early grow-in period. The fulvic acid component will increase the availability of nutrients to the new seedlings and the live microbes will break down those nutrients and existing soil organic matter for rapid root uptake. As a side benefit, the microbes will aid in the reduction of thatch on established turf.

No-clog application…

This clean liquid suspension allows for trouble-free application with hand gun or spray boom methods without nozzle clogging. Maximum benefit will be achieved when applied at 8 oz. 1000 sq. ft., applying more gives no additional benefit.

Right on the seed…

Since mycorrhizal spores are immobile, application to the soil before seeding or directly after seeding is essential for colonization and hyphal growth (threadlike filaments of beneficial fungal mycelia) to occur.

Hydroseeding applications…

Hydroseed germination and establishment results would be greatly enhanced with SuperRootsTurf blended right in the mix with no concerns about damaging the seed.

*The fulvic acid and endo-mycorrhizal components are either USDA organic compliant or OMRI listed, SuperRootsTurf itself is not.

Benefits of endo-mycorrhizae at seeding Our own SuperRootsTurf Grow-in Trial 2014.

Contact Us today to see how SuperRoots can work for you.

More in-depth pdf HERE


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